Sunday, February 7, 2016


A few months ago my Mom had talked to me about trying out acupuncture for infertility. She had talked to one of her friends whose daughter also struggled with getting pregnant and she went to an acupuncturist and the next month she was pregnant. At that time I didn't really feel like it was something I was interested in. 

Last month I started thinking about that conversation and I felt strong that it was something I needed to give a try. I know that it may not work for me, but I want to be able to say that we have tried everything we possibly could. I decided to go to the same doctor my Mom's friend's daughter went to. His name is Dr. Hendricks and his office is in Farmington.

Dr. Hendricks is a chiropractor and at one point he started to have horrible pain and problems in his shoulder from playing racquetball. He decided to go see an acupuncturist in Salt Lake and it completely took his shoulder pain away. After this experience he went to school for acupuncture. He is a really nice guy and I am happy that I chose to go to him.

I was really nervous because I don't like needles but it really isn't all that bad. The first day I went he put in a total of 20 needles. 1 below my belly button, 2 in my lower back, 2 in each hand, 2 in each foot and the rest in my legs. When he puts them in I should feel a little electric zing. The first couple of times I went I really wasn't sure if I was feeling what I was supposed to, but by the third time it was pretty strong and he said that is because I am achieving chi. 

The second time I went I had talked to him about my anxiety issues and if there were any points he could do for that. Unfortunately those points are all in my feet and toes. He puts one in the bottom of each foot and that is the worst one. Once it is in it's pain free, but the initial prick on the feet kind of hurts. It feels like a hard pinch. Once the needles are in I rest for 15 minutes and then he removes them. After he added the anxiety points I think I have almost 30 needles total. I look like a pin cushion! 

I found a really helpful video on youtube by Irina Szmelskyj with The Fertility Foundation explaining "How Acupuncture Improves Natural Fertility" and I will share with you what it explains...

-1 in 4 couples seek acupuncture to help them conceive
-Acupuncture helps to regulate hormones which helps with more regular menstrual cycles, more regular ovulation, better follicular development, and better uterine lining
-Acupuncture improves blood supply to the ovaries, and this improves quality of eggs
-Acupuncture improves sperm quality and quantity (Jordan is not receiving acupuncture at this time but I may ask him to go in the future if necessary) 
-Acupuncture helps with embryo implantation
-Acupuncture reduces stress (stress can cause infertility issues)

Dr. Hendricks always says that even if it doesn't work this month it isn't doing any harm by trying, so why not? Ever since he started doing the anxiety points I really do feel less anxious and I am hoping it will continue to help in that area as well as the infertility. Dr. Hendricks recommends doing 8 times and I have done 4 so far. 4 more to go! I am very hopeful that this will do the trick and we will get pregnant this round!


  1. My husband and have been trying to conceive for over a year and the every month failures only made it more difficult. After reading this Book from cover to cover and learning how Chinese Medicine and the whole holistic approach can put power back in your hands rather than relying on drugs, doctor's diagnosis or medical treatments, I have followed the natural recommendations, altered the necessary elements in my lifestyle that were inhibiting my fertility and I must say this program was the only program that made a real difference in my life. I am about to give birth to my first child after 8 years of tests, drugs and disappointments.I Thanking for you

  2. I never knew all of that about acupuncture!! Things are in your favor... I have faith that it's going to work this time
